By Jaime Martinez, Data Architect, Volusia County Schools

The Ed-Fi Alliance does it again! This was only my second Ed-Fi Summit and the growth is nothing short of impressive. When you’re enthusiastic about a data standard, a technology, an alliance, it’s heartwarming to see such a turnout.

Vendors, LEAs, SEAs, and collaboratives substantiated their commitment to students and teachers by their attendance in droves. The passion for working together to improve the current state of educational data and its efficacy for learning could be felt in the air. The sessions continue to be valuable and assistive. Being able to keep the topics of conversation relevant to both new attendees and old attendees alike without becoming stagnant takes an awe-inspiring skillset. Ed-Fi seems to accomplish just that and makes it look easy.

The connections I was able to make at the summit have proven invaluable. Other folks in the same position as our district, or even just with experience that aids our implementation will save us considerable time and money making our attendance quite beneficial. Knowing you’re not alone out there personifies the concept of using Ed-Fi to eliminate data silos.

Ed-Fi doesn’t just solve the lack of interoperability of educational data, but the lack of
interoperability between agencies, vendors, collaboratives, etc. The governance process they’ve developed allows and encourages the input of all parties involved. Seeing participants on work groups by vendors we work with everyday aids the confidence we’ve placed in Ed-Fi and convinces many to evangelize it.

I’m so excited and proud to be a part of this movement. Thank you all!

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