In October of this year at the Ed-Fi Summit we highlighted the growth in contributions to the Ed-Fi Exchange, which is the Ed-Fi community’s hub for facilitating information sharing around technical solutions developed by and for the community of Ed-Fi users.

The Exchange represents exactly the kind of activity that will help to propel Ed-Fi as an open-source community. By encouraging our user base to share their solutions back to the community, we are creating a robust community of practice which will continue to grow and thrive. It’s a virtuous cycle, one that we hope you will contribute to and benefit from.

At the Summit we announced the following contributions: 

Since then, we have had Ed-Fi experts in the field contribute more plug-ins, solutions and technology references which other Ed-Fi users are actively downloading and using.

Below are the top downloads from the past three months:

Top Downloads

  1. Tennessee DOE: Ed-Fi Implementation Documentation (62)
  2. Ed-Fi: Dashboard Compatibility Views (49)
  3. Delaware DOE: Early Learning Insights Plugin (47)
  4. Ed-Fi: Ed-Fi Data Warehouse (46)

If you are wondering how you can use these valuable tools or perhaps you’ve developed a solution to a common problem that you’d like to contribute back to the community you can learn more about the Exchange, here. We have endeavored to make the process of contributing as easy as possible. To get started, send an email to [email protected] and a member of the Ed-Fi Alliance will respond to provide more specific instructions.

We are encouraged to see that members of the Ed-Fi Alliance community are contributing solutions to the Ed-Fi Exchange and that other users are finding significant value in using those solutions in their own implementations. This is exactly the kind of information sharing that will continue to fuel innovation in the ed tech space and we are thrilled that it’s happening at the Ed-Fi Exchange.

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