We are now accepting applications to serve on our 2019-20 Technical Advisory Group.

The Technical Advisory Group (or “TAG” for short) is composed of diverse organizations who meet regularly to provide ongoing technical input into the Ed-Fi technology roadmap.

These organizations have deep experience in the field of data management in K-12, and they rely on the Ed-Fi Data Exchange Standards and technology in their operations; they are therefore in an excellent position to inform key decisions related to the Ed-Fi standards and technology.

If your organization is interested, we encourage you to apply

For those interested in learning more about how to get involved in the TAG, some good sources of information can be found on Ed-Fi TechDocs (these require a TechDocs login, so please visit this page to get set up if you don’t have a login):

Applications will be accepted through Friday, March 22. Our new advisory group will be selected and announced at the Ed-Fi Technical Congress in April.

Thank you for your interest and dedication to Ed-Fi!

-Eric Jansson
Senior Program Manager, Ed-Fi Alliance

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