Call for Interest: Special Interest Group to Expand the Ed-Fi Special Education Data Model

There has been a lot of Ed-Fi community activity around special education data over the past few years, and this interest seems to be accelerating due to the importance of this data to student performance, improvement and compliance reporting use cases. However, we have identified gaps in the Ed-Fi specifications to date. For example, achieving a more complete model of individual education plans (IEPs). This participation requests was initiated at the August 2018 Ed-Fi Technical Advisory Group (TAG) meeting, where TAG members took up for discussion the topic of expansion of the special education domain. The TAG felt that an API specification and certification specific to special education data and systems would create a number of benefits to the community.

As a result, we are reaching out to the community to gauge the interest in, and ask for participation in convening a special interest group (SIG) to look at:

  • identifying special education use cases of priority within the Ed-Fi community and
  • expanding the applicable Ed-Fi domain and API models to ensure such support.

If you are interested in participating in such a project, please send an email to [email protected] In your email, please mention the interest in the “Special Education SIG.” (Also, please note that we do not have a SIG planned yet – in part, we  will use community response to determine if we have a “quorum” for this work!)


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