By using the Ed-Fi data standard and technology suite, Intrinsic Schools has been able to interact with their student performance data in their own infrastructure in a format that is not vendor specific. Summer of 2020, Intrinsic Schools completed a big SIS migration from one vendor to another. Thanks to utilizing the Ed-Fi operational data store, their analytics pipeline did not need to be modified. This was thanks to the first step in their data infrastructure being to land their disparate source system data into the Ed-Fi ODS.

LEA: Intrinsic Schools is a two-site 7th – 12th grade public, charter school in Chicago. Intrinsic uses flexible learning environments that utilize three team teachers and upwards of 60 students, who rotate between teacher-led instruction, independent and small-group work, and project-based learning – all based on the individual needs of each student.

Challenge: Intrinsic Schools is heavily rooted in using data to inform decision making. School leaders use data to look big picture at how students are performing and progressing on promotion related metrics. Instructional coaches use data to inform their check-ins with teachers, and students access their data to inform their goal setting.

Solution: Intrinsic Schools leverages Landing Zone to bring their PowerSchool SIS, NWEA MAP, and Summit Learning data into Google BigQuery so that it may be utilized in Google Data Studio reports. Saybah-Katrina Russ, Director of Data, maintains a report library that is used by all students and staff to inform their work.

Results: Intrinsic Schools has consistently received a level 1+ or 1 rating from Chicago Public Schools every year since opening. Through using data to guide decision making they ensure that 100% of students graduate with a strong post-secondary plan.

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