For the last three years, we’ve had the privilege of hosting education and technology leaders from across the country at our annual Ed-Fi Summit. And the event has only continued to evolve and grow year after year, with this year’s event boasting a record-breaking number of attendees.

Every year, the insights I take away from the Summit are invaluable and I can’t wait to see what we’ll uncover together this year. With such a committed group, I’m confident that we can continue to build on each other’s victories and solve the most important challenges facing our community. Because none of us can do this alone.

We’ll also have some exciting announcements to share – and you’ll be the first to hear about new, community-driven innovations and surprising ways to use Ed-Fi technology.

Last but not least, get excited for our hands-on Technical Boot Camp preceding the Summit on October 11. This is your opportunity to gather with fellow community members for a technical deep dive and really expand your technical know-how.

I’m also thrilled by the support we’ve received this year from a number of vendors in the ed-tech space that have stepped up and become major players in the Ed-Fi Community. I’d like to extend a huge thank you to our 2016 sponsors: UPD Consulting, Certica Solutions, Sense Corp, iSphere, Amazon Web Services, inRule Technology, Microsoft, CELT, EASOL, and Learning Tapestry.

We’re excited to connect, share and learn with you next week in Austin. Our hope is that you’ll walk away from this Summit feeling inspired and with a clear path forward as we continue to shape the vision for collective success in effective data use.

I look forward to seeing you all soon. Until then, stay informed on the latest Summit information and updates on Twitter (@EdFiAlliance, #EdFiSummit).


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