Seeking Innovative Educator Preparation Programs Ready to Tackle Candidate Diversity and Clinical Experience

Educator Prep Programs (EPPs) are struggling to keep up with enormous amounts of data. Different data sets are siloed, further exacerbating the issue, making it hard to use and even harder to analyze and take action on. Ed-Fi is actively recruiting EPPs who we can partner with to refine, develop, and leverage connected data in their data infrastructure, so they can gain insight about these essential aspects of the program — at no direct cost.

So, now’s the time to get started! Attend an Informational Webinar on May 4th from 2:00 PM -3:00PM CST or May 5th from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CST to get more information on the benefits of participation, what is needed from the participating EPP, who to include in your project team, and answer your most pressing questions. If you are interested in attending or gain more information, please reach out to me, Dr. Lindsey Judd, Community Manager, [email protected]