There is so much work and innovation happening in the Ed-Fi Community! As part of my job, I get to be on the road a lot, working in the field with many of you all, witnessing this great work. Here are some highlights from my recent journeys:

  • New Mexico’s Public Education Department hosted a great data-focused conference for their LEAs. I participated in a terrific panel with the 10 early adopter districts in the first cohort of their real time data project. About 200 people joined the discussion and shared their experiences and lessons learned, resulting in 21 more LEAs joining the initiative! Great job New Mexico – from all levels: LEAs, SEAs, technology partners such as EASOL and Learning Tapestry, all in support of learners, educators and administrators.
  • Nevada Department of Education and Washington DC OSSE (Office of the State Superintendent of Education) are two of the SEAs that our Ed-Fi team has worked with in the past few months. Both organizations have shared their visions and challenges, showing ripe opportunity for innovation. Awesome job NDE and OSSE – we’re excited to support your work!
  • We’ve been working on other exciting projects with our partners and licensees, including Arizona Department of Education, Tucson Unified School District and Microsoft; and ESP Solutions, Amazon Web Services and Wyoming Department of Education, along with their phase one districts. I love witnessing the collaboration increasingly taking place in our growing Ed-Fi Community.
  • Lastly, I want to highlight knowledge sharing and exchange of domain expertise, as it is a hallmark of Ed-Fi’s interoperability work – at least the way we do it. I could rattle off many examples I’ve seen in recent weeks of one Ed-Fi licensee lending experience, guidance and lessons learned to another. Our community of practitioners that you all take part in and contribute to is valuable in untold ways. So I’m telling it! Thank you for your willingness to share and collaborate – keep it up!

Until next time…

Sean, Sayee and Shannon

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